This problem is covered within the behaviors that exist towards street dwellers. There is a stigmatization, and especially towards those aimed at recognition as human beings, they have come to be called disposable, destitute, crazy, disqualifying from this way also all kinds of attitudes.When observing a street inhabitant in his condition of indigent, negative components are attributed to him in his behavior. that is why FUNDACIÓN CLAVE DEL SOL has put its interest in contributing to the solution of this social problem.


Many times just because of living on the street, there is a tendency to grant powersdestructive, they are judged as sick, all kinds of behavior are pathologized andattributes to them the cause that everything bad that happens in a society is because of them. Within the hundreds of interventions and attempts to try to attend and intervene and prevent the phenomenon of street dwellers, the predominant approaches have been those of an institutional therapeutic type, which pose the problem as a disease that must be fought, countered and eliminated.



The street can be read in different ways: as a space of transit, a place of continuity in which the distracted gesture does not establish distinctions; but it can also be seen as a place of cut where difference is marked: street as opposed to home, public as opposed to private. Places in which human activity can only inscribe signs. These signs, in order to be deciphered, require recognition. Just as some artistic avant-gardes install everyday elements in museums so that the gaze turns towards them and recovers them; the theatrical spectacle often goes out into the street so that it becomes a stage. The actor’s body, movements, words, gestures turn the street into a stage, a space to be looked at in a different way.


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