The right to have a decent house is recognized by Article 51 of the Political Constitution of Colombia. It is a welfare right that is generally assumed by the state, but it is insufficient and therefore there is currently a large housing deficit in our territory, the most conservative estimates report a figure of at least 165,000 homes that need to be built, only for the Department of Nariño. This problem requires urgent attention, and we cannot always expect the state to be in charge of making this right a reality, precisely because it would always be insufficient. The decisive participation of civil society is required for the solution of a problem of such magnitude that affects the least favored sectors of our Nariño society, that is why FUNDACIÓN CLAVE DEL SOL has put its interest in contributing to the solution of this social problem.
Our interest in helping the people of Nariño with less resources in obtaining a home for their family, does not go through the economic interest, on the contrary, we have committed part of our assets in the timely solution of the problem of obtaining a home for a family at a time, aware of our limitations, we have called for a great solidarity so that in the future we can all contribute more resources to the solution of such a serious social problem.
The resources of international cooperation are usually dedicated to support the state to solve a problem, our mission instead is self-management of resources from the goodwill of people and companies nariñenses that have been linked to the solution of a home for a family, at a time we begin a path of solidarity that starts from the premise ”help us to help” as an example of solidarity among the nariñenses.
The FUNDACIÓN CLAVE DEL SOL and its program (I HAVE THE RIGHT TO A HOME) does not pretend to be the definitive solution, since it is exclusively destined to help single mothers, in conditions of extreme poverty and vulnerability, whose selection will be made by our team of collaborators, taking into account the worst socio-economic conditions of the family with selection options. Our work is to promote the solidary management of a home for a vulnerable family at the same time, and always in a constant way in time, gradually making our contribution to the society of Nariño.
Because decent housing is not a fundamental right, it only enjoys constitutional protection in the event that its violation or disregard may lead to the violation of human dignity, we believe that the dignity of a family is to have a home.
We want to make the dream of a a family come true, so that her tears of anguish become tears of joy when they opens her new home.
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We count on your voluntary financial contribution, this will result in blessings and progress. Bancolombia Savings Account No. 97200010021 in the name of Fundación Clave Del Sol.