The global environment of economic and financial crisis in which we have been living for years has made it difficult for young people to enter the labor market, if we add to this the growth of the unemployment rate and the qualifications required by companies in the first job, the options of getting a job are, a priori, complicated. Faced with these facts, many young people, driven by desperation, end up looking for a job opportunity outside our borders. Alternatives such as entrepreneurship or self-employment could be an option for young people to opt for the labor market. Faced with the current paradigm of the doubt that any young person may have about the idea of undertaking or not, knowing the values that can determine the success of such an undertaking could be a vehicle that facilitates the achievement of the objectives set, which is why it is important to know the values that can determine the success of such an undertaking, which could be a vehicle that facilitates the achievement of the objectives set.
This is why FUNDACIÓN CLAVE DEL SOL has put its interest in contributing to the solution of this social problem.


Today’s world of employment is immersed in a constant flow of changes in which the worker’s adaptability to the needs of the market has to be carried out immediately. the adaptability of the worker to the needs of the market has to be carried out immediately. The demands in the training of workers for the performance of a certain role in the company have in the company have increased markedly in recent decades, restricting the early entry the early incorporation of young people into the labor market.
This extension of the time required for young people to enter the labor market and, therefore, for their emancipation, has led to the search for new employability alternatives, which allow them to reach the level of personal and economic autonomy necessary to achieve the process of social and welfare advancement that is part of the social and economic development of the country. and welfare progress, which is part of their growth as a person.


The FUNDACIÓN CLAVE DEL SOL and its program YOUNG LEADERS does not pretend to be the definitive solution, since it is exclusively intended to help young people mainly from the department of Nariño, in conditions of extreme poverty and vulnerability, who are willing to move forward with the creativity of their ideas, providing them with constant advice and guiding them on the way to realize their projects.

It is also intended to establish relationships with the FONDO EMPREDER, to channel business projects to this entity, in order to finance them economically and make reality the way to form companies in Nariño.

The Emprender Fund is a seed capital fund created by the National Government in Article 40 of Law 789 of December 27, 2002: “by which rules are issued to support employment and expand social protection and modify some articles of the Substantive Labor Code”.

We want to make the dreams of Colombia’s young people come true, so that their tears of anguish turn into tears of joy as they develop their entrepreneurial projects.

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  • Personal and/or Company logo.
  • Proof of deposit and/or bank transaction.

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We count on your voluntary financial contribution, this will result in blessings and progress. Bancolombia Savings Account No. 97200010021 in the name of Fundación Clave Del Sol.